3 Steps in Physiotherapy for Acute Back Pains

Home Physiotherapy

Heard of lumbago? You probably suffer from it, god forbid! Lumbago is acute back ache that most women and elderly men suffer from. There are tons of reasons that cause lumbago. The lower back is responsible for carrying most of upper body’s weight and upon medical diagnosis your doctor will be able to pin point the exact reason behind it. Quite often over use of the joints leads to wear and tear causing pain. Treatment is a combination of medicines and exercises. Home Physiotherapy can help in alleviating conditions related to lumbago.

Home Physiotherapy is mainly divided into active and passive regimes. The three steps that every physiotherapist advices are:

  • Stretching of the back

It is very important to stretch the lower back and hamstrings regularly. It is easy to forget all about it if there is little to no pain so experts suggest that patients maintain regularity in their exercise routine. There are other stretching regimes as well and your physiotherapist can help you with that.

  • Strengthening of the core

Bad back can be corrected with core strengthening exercises. Both the back and the core need to be strong in order for you to stay pain-free. These activities are coupled with lumbar stability workouts and it is very important to do everything in the proper order for maximum benefits. Once again, you will need the expert supervision of a Home Physiotherapy professional for best results.

  • Aerobics for flexibility and strength

Aerobics and simple exercises such as cycling, walking and swimming are greatly beneficial in adding flexibility to your body but it is advisable that you consult with your physiotherapist before practicing anything.

Physiotherapy programs may have to be carried on for weeks so be prepared for it and talk with your specialist to decide upon a comfortable schedule.