Dealing With Hair Loss Post Cancer Treatment



There are clear side effects of cancer treatment. More often than not cancer treatment will cause serious hair loss problem. Instead of fretting about it here are some tips that will help you deal with it better and take things in your stride.

Staying informed limits shock

Sudden and severe hair loss is always disconcerting and no amount of getting ready will actually make you ready to deal with it easily. The more prepared and informed you stay about hair loss, the better off you are in dealing with it. Ask your doctor at the best Cancer hospitals in Delhi about how much loss you should expect from the treatment. It is important to realize that not all medicines will make your hair fall out in clumps.

Staying positive and making others realize that it isn’t anything to be embarrassed about

Hair loss is not so common. When small children see someone hairless they are wont to be embarrassed or find it funny. It’s okay as long as they stay positive about it. But sometimes you will need to explain to them that you are undergoing cancer treatment and it’s a part of the treatment process. This way they will know the reason behind your hair loss and will be better prepared if someone at school or in the community ask questions about your hairlessness.

Taking care of your scalp

After you have lost hair the scalp beneath will become sensitive and everything to heat and cold and sweat will cause you discomfort. Take good care not to do anything that will aggravate your condition any further. You can always seek assistance from experts or even doctors at Cancer hospitals in Delhi can help you with this.