What to Eat If You Have Diabetes

When you have diabetes, there is a long list of things you cannot eat. It is enough to depress you about your condition. But all is not lost, there are actually certain foods that you can eat when your sugar levels are high and hoard all of it when it gets cooked at home. We will now take a look at those diabetic friendly foods now shall we?

Milk and milk products

If you love milk then you can gorge as much as you want. Just kidding, remember moderation is the key to healthy living, and even though milk and dairy products are really good in calcium and Vitamin D, you should take it in moderations. Cheese, milk, and tofu are delicious and you will not cause yourself any problem eating these.   

Omega 3

This is another of the very few good things that is beneficial in almost every single medical condition you can think of. From increased blood sugar levels to heart problems to inflammation, omega 3 really works in many different conditions. You can get good quality Omega 3 from fatty fishes like Mackerel, Tuna and Salmon. Fish lovers don’t hold back on your fish if you have diabetes.

Lentils and beans

Lentils contain protein and are loaded with fibre. One cup of cooked lentils will add a lot of fibre and folates in your system and if you didn’t know these are both good for increase blood sugar levels. Continue enjoying your lentils and dals as usual with garlic and green chillies, because these are good for your diabetes as well. For more information on what you should eat to keep your sugar levels within limits.

Also, finally before we leave, we are going to give you a very sound advice. If you have high sugar levels or you want to prevent the levels from increasing, make it a point to visit the best hospital for diabetes in Delhi.